Friday, July 20, 2012

Sista Girlfriends

I am so blessed that God has brought me to a place to really understand how important the women that I have met in my life mean to me. This is from high school friends to those of you who I may have met just in the last ten years or less. What a wonderful feeling when I think of what you have given to me. It has been words, cards, gifts, support, look, stories, etc. This all came back to me this weekend when I was talking to a sister girlfriend about how she felt younger girls were not treasuring those friend ships of other girls, because of the stereotypes we have been given like catty and gossip. I use to think that until God placed some WONDERFUL sister friends in my life. These states Maryland, Texas and Illinois are definitely high on the list, but California, Georgia, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Tennesse, Louisana you are there too. I don't see any of the negative, but just the beautiful assets you have added to my life. And let me say you are of every hue, class, single, married.....
And I love you and thankyou for what you have given to me. I only hope that I have been as good a friend. (Disclaimer: guys this was not about you this time.)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our First Lady

In that this is black history month what better time to reflect on one of the most beautiful black woman of our time. Our first lady, Michelle Obama, is such a beautiful human being both inside and out. She is a wife, mother, daughter, aunt and  most importantly a child of God.
 Just watching her is both enlightening and encouraging. She in all of the criticism continues to stand her ground gracefully.
What does it feel like to have people criticize what you were on a daily basis. I believe that like most sistas we do the best with what we got.  First Lady Michelle has it down to a science. But I don't think she is bothered by the criticism, from my viewpoint she has great taste and she know it, so she just does Michelle.
She has her children grounded and her husband in his place as husband and President.  I salute you first lady and pray when I grow up, I can be just like you.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Looking Inside

I have been thinking about something for a few days and wanted to just express my concern. I have looked and wondered why we blame others for our problems. I wondered why we do not look inside ourselves when there is a conflict. We most always look outside at the person that has wronged us, etc. we are not accountable for them.
When I think about how God is going to hold us accountable for everything that we do, it leaves us no time to look outward. We HAVE to look inward, if we want to be in His will. No matter how much it hurts, no matter how wrong the other person in the conflict may be, we must look inward.
I believe we look inward and ask God to clean us of anything that is not like Him. I thought about this more today after I read that Bebe Winans was cleared of the charges on him. And I have no judgement because I was not there, but what I did see was that he remained quiet during the whole ordeal. Quiet while the media was lashing out, QUIET while his was losing deals because of the allegations. I thought about myself.
Having recently gone through some things at work, I felt the need to defend, when I could have kept quiet. I felt the need to fight back when I could have kept QUIET, I had to explain and accused.
Then I had to ask , " Where was my faith when I was in the middle of this.  I knew theywere wrong mean spirited and untrue and I didn't keep quiet and let God work His stuff. Just because the things hurt, did I have a right to do what I felt was in my defense in stead of allowing God do to what He does best.
When I think of how Jesus was on the CROSS and never said a mumbling word and He was definitely more righteous than I.  If He was QUIET as they killed Him why can't I be QUIET when people are just talking about me or saying ugly things to me.
I was much QUIETER at one time but I wonder where does PRIDE fit in here. Do we sometimes feel that we have been through so much and taken so much that we have a right to defend ourselves instead of letting God do it? But we haven't made the ultimate sacrifice, so why are we talking?
Have you ever said," they don't know who they are messing with, been there done that and got a t shirt"? I have and with all that I have been through I still have no right to try and step in and solve what God can do so much better.
Just think, God knows your mind and their mind and He knows what to do so that He will be glorified. I know we sometimes forget that our experiences are not about us. They are about how God may want to use them for His Kingdom.  WOW all that you have been through may be to get a message over to someone else.
How dare God use you like that? All the time you thought it was about you. And I am sure some of it is for our lessons, but are we learning?
Next time there is a conflict, let's look inside, when some one is being ugly to us let's look inside and most of all let's be quiet, HOLD OUR PEACE AND LET GOD FIGHT OUR BATTLE!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How Real Sisters Act

I chose to blog because I wanted to express thanks but also present an example of how REAL sisters act.
Though I am proud black woman, when I use the term sister, it is all inclusive.
I have been blessed with some of the most beautiful sisters in my life. These are not only my blood sisters, but sisters of every hue and size.
Recently, I have been through one of the hardest times of my life. God has been my source of strength, but the prayers and practical actions of my sisters have sustained me through this year and previous years.
Some have given financial support because of the lost of my job,some have given comic relief, others have just been there to talk.
The beautiful thing has been the lack of judging, but the frank accountability conversation.
Real sisters will love you through your pain,but make you accountable for your actions.
Real sisters sit with you, talk and then help you laugh at yourself because of the things you've done.
What you have to understand is that each sister serves a different purpose, and not one serves all. You have to appreciate each for who they are.
I am not disrepecting any of our brothers,but there are some things only a sister understands.

To my sisters,love your sisters and yourself, show them love, and respect their confidentiality and be in their corner,support their efforts and dreams. If God blesses them, that just shows how easy it will be for him to do it for you.

Today,let another sister know how much you love हविंग her in your life.